Objects ::  Entry : Sta Dyo (In Two)

Objects :

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Sounds :

1. Enas angelos grammenos (An angel's picture), a Pogonisios dance
2. S'osa kastra ki an epiga (To whichever castles I went), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
3. Kokkino Mantili (Red Kerchief), a Pogonisio dance
4. Mana, vriscomai sta xena (Mama, I'm in a foreign land), a Syrtos in the Pogoni style
5. Papatsavaina, a Syrtos Sta Dyo
6. Xenitimeno mou pouli (My exiled bird), a slow Syrtos dance
7. Serfos, 1932
8. Afou esi den m'agapas (Since you don't love me), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
9. Syrto Sta Dyo, 1928
10. I lianoverga (The lean stick), a Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
11. Ta enniaderfa (The nine brothers and sisters), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
12. Gia sena kai gia mena oi kaimoi (For you and for me, the sad memories), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
13. Omorfo melahrino (Beautiful Dark-skinned One), a Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
14. Ta Kokkina Trantafylla (The Red Roses), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
15. Stafyli moskosteafylo (Musk-scented grape), a Pogonisio dance
16. Leventis eisai matia mou (You're a devil of a fellow!, my eyes), a Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
17. Den xanaperno (I won't take it any longer/again), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
18. Gianni mou to mantili sou (Your handkerchief, my John), Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
19. Mana m'den thelo (Mother, I don't want to), Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
20. Xeitemeno mou pouli (My Exiled Bird), Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
21. Trygona, Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
22. Ta kleftopoula (The young brigands), a Sta Dyo dance
23. Ebateh agoria sto horo (Step, boys, in the dance), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
24. Den sou tharousa (I didn't expect from you, Potamia), a Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
25. Vasilikos tha yino (I'll be a basil), a dance
26. Stis Deropolis ton kampo (In the field of Deropoli), from northern Epirus
27. To kanarini blouzaki (The yellow shirt)
28. Liosaneh ta hionia vre birbili mou (The Snows Have Melted, Old XXX of Mine)
29. Xenitemeno Mou Pouli (lit. My Expatriate Bird; fig. My Dear One Living in a Foreign Land)
30. Brauta ta matia (Ah, these eyes)
31. Deropolitiko, 1932
32. Delvino
33. I kori ton kymaton (Girl of the Waves)
34. Perasa ap'ti'goumenitsa (I went to Goumenitsa), a Pogonisio dance
35. Syrto Sta Dyo, 1928
36. Delvino and Tsamouria
37. I xeniteia mas horiseh (Foreign lands D901separated us), a Pogonisio dance
38. Panagio / Xenitemeno mou pouli / Asimenia alisida (Panagio / My exiled bird / Silver chain)
39. Delvino and Tsamouria, a Syrtos Sta Dyo, ca 1930
40. Sta exi marmara (At the six marbles)
41. I Vaso (a woman's name)
42. Kyra Giorgaina (George's wife)
43. Vasilikos tha Yino (I'll Become a basil)
44. Anaselitsa
45. Dance from Epirus
46. Mia omorfi geitonopoula (A beautiful neighbour girl)
47. Sto misdouni vrazoun ryzi (On Misdouni they're boiling rice)
48. To fengari kanei kyklo (The moon goes round a circle)
49. Vlachoula erovolageh (A Vlach girl hurried down), 1945-1950
50. Konstantas, a Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
51. Katakabi papadoula mou, a Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
52. Papadopoula (priest's daugher)
53. Gia mia fora ein' i leventia (For once, let there be bravery)
54. Vasilikos tha yino sto parathyri sou (I'll be a basil at your window)
55. A Karagouna dance that becomes a Pogonisio
56. Stis pikrodafnis to antho (On the flower of the oleander)
57. Ego krasi den epina (I didn't drink any wine)
58. Plousii kai ftohi pethainoun (Rich and poor both die)
59. I Vlacha (The Vlach woman)
60. Bratsa pou den tade o ilios (Arms the sun never saw), live recording ca 1950
61. Katevaino ap'to vouno (I come down from the mountain), northern Epirus
62. Mia konti melahrini (A short, dark-skinned girl)
63. Ksenitemeno mou pouli (My exiled bird), 1935
64. Paidia xenitemena (Children off in a faraway land)
65. Pitsirika katergara (The little scallywags)
66. Me perifroneis (You despise me)
67. Ksenitemeno mou pouli (My exiled bird), 1935
68. Delvino (filmings)
69. Kapia mana pikrameni (Some embittered mother) - Stis pikrodafnis ton antho (In the blossoms of the oleander), live recording ca 1950
70. Zaliariko
71. Apo ta glara sou matia (From your languid eyes)
72. Zalizomai (I'm dizzy)
73. To fengari kanei kyklo (The moon goes round a circle)
74. Siderovergino klouvi (Iron-bar cage), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
75. To fengari kanei kyklo (The moon goes round a circle)
76. Magia mou 'xeis (Magic, you've got me trapped), a Syrtos dance
77. Ksenitemeno mou pouli (My exiled bird), live recording ca 1950
78. Tou Kyri Gambrou i Mana (The mother of the bridegroom), a wedding song from Vovousa, Konitsa region, Epirus
79. Ianni Mou to Mantili Sou (My Johnny, Your Handkerchief)
80. Kyra Giorgaina (George's wife)
81. Salio
82. Ach moreh sevdah (Oh, my little love)
83. Aste syntrofisses (Leave it, my girl comrades)
84. Ekklisitsa (Little chapel)
85. Mavro mou helidoni (My black swallow), a dance from Epirus
86. Delvino and Tsamouria, 1930
87. Leni mou Lenitsa mou (My Leni, My Little Leni), a Syrtos Sta Dyo dance
88. Leventis eisai matia mou (You are a brave lad, eyes of mine. A suite of popular dances)
89. Den boro manoula (I can't, dear Mother), a Koftos dance
90. Arvanitikovlachiko, a Syrtos of the Vlachs from Albania
91. Anathema se xeniteia (Cursed in exile), Tsamikos dance - Sta duo
92. Vlachopoula (Vlach Girl), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
93. Delvino and Tsamouria
94. I Vlacha, a Syrtos Sta Dyo
95. I Maro (a woman's name), a Syrtos Sta Dyo
96. Stis Pargas to aniforo (On the hill of Parga)